Personal Injury/Catastrophic Injury

We have extensive experience dealing with a range of claims involving both personal injury and fatal injury claims as both advocates and solicitors. The ability to resolve these disputes efficiently by swiftly identifying the key issues allows us to cut through the “red tape” of litigation and bring matters to a head. With extensive experience of resolving disputes either at mediation or simply through direct contact with our opposite number, our team personally and proactively resolves claims utilising a range of bespoke strategic approaches all the while ensuring costs are kept to a minimum.

We have extensive experience dealing with a range of claims involving both personal injury and fatal injury claims as both advocates and instructing solicitors. The ability to resolve these disputes efficiently by swiftly identifying the key issues allows us to cut through the “red tape” of litigation and bring matters to a head. With extensive experience of resolving disputes either at mediation or simply through direct contact with our opposite number, our team personally  and proactively resolves claims utilising a range of bespoke strategic approaches all the while ensuring costs are kept to a minimum.

For further information contact one of our key team below:

Ronan Cosgrove

Managing Partner

+353 (0)1 567 5400